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Kevin Mercer
Paste Extrusion, 3D Printing
John W., a current student and Fab Lab assistant, helped to wire-in and test a paste extruder with our stock Monoprice Mini V2. John...

Kevin Mercer
Clay Extruder Iterations
Even before a proper test, I am finding things to improve within this clay extruder design. As I modify components, I keep the previous...

Kevin Mercer
#3Dprinting #3Dmodeling #drawing

Kevin Mercer
#3dprinting #3dmodeling #drawing #clayprinting #rapidprototyping

Kevin Mercer
Update: CNC Pen Plotter
Assembly begins! 2020 aluminum extrusions, 3D printed components, stepper motor, & belt. I will eventually post a full bill of materials...

Kevin Mercer
Update: Clay Auger Design
I think the auger needs fairly aggressive threads in order to push clay, so it's getting a redesign. This should work better. #3Dprinting...

Kevin Mercer
Another Resin Print
A 3D scan of crawdad remains printed in grey resin. With approximately 2,000 layers in this print, they become nearly invisible....

Kevin Mercer
Update: CNC Pen Plotter
3D printed housing for the Arduino and CNC shield/stepper drivers. I remixed this design from

Kevin Mercer
Resin Print
There are nearly 900 layers in this little 1.5'' high skull. The resolution is amazing! Printed on an Anycubic Photon. This was the very...

Kevin Mercer
Early 3D Scanning Results
Capturing high quality 3D scans can be challenging, but I am experiencing some pretty good results with an Einscan scanner. Even on...

Kevin Mercer
When you're out of good parts, you might need to improvise. Bluetooth robot with two DC motors and an office chair wheel mounted on a...

Kevin Mercer
Laser Cut RC Tank
Download the plans here: Cheap to build (if you have access to a laser cutter) and fun to...

Kevin Mercer
3D Printed Bluetooth Tank
My plans, which are remixed from an Arduino container by Zygmunt W., are available here: Build...

Kevin Mercer
CNC Pen Plotter: Early Stages!
I have begun to 3D print components for a CNC pen plotter. If all goes well, it will be able to create a drawing up to approximately 25 x...

Kevin Mercer
Gearing RPM to Torque
A little inline gearbox for reducing RPM and, hopefully, generating a little more torque. To be laser cut and 3D printed. Designed in...
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