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Kevin Mercer
The Clay Printer Functions!
This red stoneware cube was the first successful test of the clay pump and auger extruder. I began designing parts about a year ago, but...

Kevin Mercer
Paste Extrusion, 3D Printing
These are various iterations of a paste extruder for printing pastes with an existing printer. Each time I print a component, I find some...

Kevin Mercer
Hacking Found Electronics
I helped a student to hack his pen light/laser pointer combos and program them to fade, both at the same time and in alternating...

Kevin Mercer
Another Resin Print
A 3D scan of crawdad remains printed in grey resin. With approximately 2,000 layers in this print, they become nearly invisible....

Kevin Mercer
Resin Print
There are nearly 900 layers in this little 1.5'' high skull. The resolution is amazing! Printed on an Anycubic Photon. This was the very...
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